Personal Software Development Blog

These are the voyages...

In this blog, I'll document my way into Tech, explore (for me) new technologies or best practices, and give an account of my failures and successes on my way to becoming a software engineer.

How to activate virtual environments in VS Code using Poetry and WSL

For my newest project, I decided to switch from Pipenv to Poetry. I initialised my project with 'poetry init' and added all dependencies. After running 'poetry shell', a confirm

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Implementing a search function across multiple models in Django

For my project SciFi-Zone, I wanted to implement a search function across multiple models. Due to the structure of my project, this proved more challenging than I expected. Below is an excerpt of m

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How it all started

Computers and the internet always fascinated me. In my youth, when you still had to pay for your internet usage by the minute, I would get up very early in the mornings and surf the internet before

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